On the Chocolate Trail

Lesson Plans

These plans* may be used to teach topics such as Jewish food, the expulsion of Sephardim from Spain, Jewish merchants in the Colonial Period in North America, Jews in commerce, and Jewish food. They also enhance learning about Jewish values, kashrut (Jewish dietary laws), Passover and Chanukah. They are intended for grades 5 and above and may also be used with adults. Please feel free to modify and adapt.

  1. Lesson Plan I- Jews Brought Chocolate to the World
  2. Lesson Plan II- Shopping for the Best Chocolate
  3. Lesson Plan III- B’rachot for Chocolate and Chocolate Making

*Chapter and page numbers refer to On the Chocolate Trail: A Delicious Adventure Connecting Jews, Religions, History, Travel, Rituals and Recipes to the Magic of Cacao.

On the Chocolate Trail