On the Chocolate Trail

Branding of Chocolate Prior to Baker’s

[1773] A posting for “PALMER’S CHOCOLATE,”1 which may have actually been the first purveyor of chocolate to identify his product with his name, also preceding Baker by at least three years.

We also see a tendency to stress the quality of the product as in the ads below, which also precede Baker’s claim to be the first quality chocolate product, as in the adverts by Hannon earlier sidebar.

[1776 and 1777] Baker’s early partner, John Hannon, advertised similarly:



Exceeding Fine; to be sold… 2





Mark’d upon each Cake J.H.N.

Warranted pure and ground exceeding fine. Where may be had any Quantity, from 50 wt to a Ton of Cocoa at his Mills in Milton.

NB. If the Chocolate does not prove good, the Money will be returned.3

1 Boston Gazette (March 29 1773): 2.

2 Massachusetts Spy (October 23 1776): 4.

3 Miller, “Calendar,” 7.

On the Chocolate Trail