“Negroes” Specialized in Chocolate Grinding
“Negroes” Specialized in Chocolate Grinding
[1733] Boston: “… also to be Sold, A Negro Woman, about Twenty Years of Age,… can do Household Work and grind chocolate very well”1
[1752] Pennsylvania: “Run away… a Negroe man, named Dick, about 26 years of age… “by trade a chocolate grinder… ”2
[1763] Boston: To be Sold by John Brewster, “lusty NEGRO MAN used to grinding chocolate”3
[1772] Boston: “… chocolate grinder, journeyman… ”4
[1775] New York: “… who has for Sale, a Negro Man about 32 Years old, who can be well recommended; and understands the Business of Chocolate Making… ”5
1 Boston News-Letter (Thursday, May 17 –Thursday, May 24, 1733): 2.
2 Pennsylvania Gazette (April 9 1752): 4.
3 Boston Evening Post (January 10 1763): 4.