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Now Available! The Boston Chocolate Party

New England, December 1773…
It’s time to celebrate the Janucá holiday. Joshua Mendes is excited to light the menorah, eat fried dough buñuelos, and taste the new hot chocolate drink he and his family have been making to sell to curious colonists. But he’s also a bit sad, because times are tough and his best friend moved away amid a brewing fight for American independence.
Order now!
Readers say:
…I enjoyed sharing this book with [my children] because it’s about kindness, helping those in need, and families that look different from ours. But what really talked to me now, when there is so much antisemitism, is that this book shows that American Jews were in this country from the very beginning. It means we played a role, we belong, and I want my boys to know that.
Reading to our grandchildren is one of my favorite pastimes, and I’m glad I bought a copy of The Boston Chocolate Party. It’s a great book to read to them. Our granddaughter, who is in 2nd grade, figured out and understood that the struggle the Colonists faced was similar to the struggle Jews faced during Maccabean times. She loved Joshua and how he was able to help Isaac and his mother. But the chocolate element in the story is what she loved the best. She wanted to make your recipe for hot chocolate and drink some hot chocolate when we finished it! … Thank you for writing this book!
Forthcoming! On the Bread Trail
October, 2024! On the Bread Trail, an exploration and celebration of Jewish breads with insights into Jewish identity, culture, history, and customs around the world.
Now Available! On the Chocolate Trail
On the Chocolate Trail: A Delicious Adventure Connecting Jews, Religions, History, Travel, Rituals and Recipes to the Magic of Cacao (Second Edition)
Take a delectable journey through the religious history of chocolate—a real treat!
Explore the surprising Jewish and other religious connections to chocolate in this gastronomic and historical adventure through cultures, countries, centuries and convictions. Deborah Prinz draws from her world travels on the trail of chocolate to enchant chocolate lovers of all backgrounds as she unravels religious connections in the early chocolate trade and shows how Jewish and other religious values infuse chocolate today.
The book forms the basis for the museum exhibit, “Semite Sweet: On Jews and Chocolate,” now available to travel to your community from the Bernard Museum, Temple Emanu-El, NYC.
With mouth-watering recipes, a glossary of chocolaty terms, tips for buying luscious, ethically produced chocolate, a list of sweet chocolate museums around the world and more, this book unwraps tasty tidbits such as:

•“Gods in My Chocolate,” twenty-first-century controversies about deities formed from chocolate: Blasphemy or art?
•Selecting the best chocolate
•What did Alexander Hamilton drink?
•Secret Santas hidden in my Maccabees
•Chocolate Babkathon: The best in NYC
•Hallal chocolate/Kosher chocolate
•25 contemporary & historical recipes
Some—including French (Bayonne) chocolate makers—believe that Jews brought chocolate making to France
The bishop of Chiapas, Mexico, was poisoned because he prohibited local women from drinking chocolate during Mass.
Although Quakers do not observe Easter, it was a Quaker-owned chocolate company—Fry’s—that claimed to have created the first chocolate Easter egg in the United Kingdom
A born-again Christian businessman in the Midwest marketed his caramel chocolate bar as a “Noshie” after the Yiddish word for “snack.”
Chocolate Chanukah gelt may have developed from St. Nicholas customs.
The Mayan “Book of Counsel” taught that gods created humans from chocolate and maize.
To Purchase
On the Chocolate Trail: A Delicious Adventure Connecting Jews, Religions, History, Travel, Rituals and Recipes to the Magic of Cacao is in its 2nd Edition! Thank you to everyone who has bought a copy or more for gifts, teachers, book clubs, adult study and other.
To purchase your copy or additional copies of On the Chocolate Trail: A Delicious Adventure Connecting Jews, Religions, History, Travel, Rituals and Recipes to the Magic of Cacao.
For Book Clubs
Would your group enjoy a sumptuous adventure through the history of one of the world’s favorite delicacies—chocolate? This exciting book shows the fascinating intersections of Jews, Quakers and other Protestants, pre-Columbians and Catholics along the chocolate trail and explores the lasting rituals involving chocolate that the world’s faith traditions have practiced. Includes seventeen unique and delicious recipes that can be made and shared with your group! Book club discussion materials available for download.
Booking Information
To book events contact Deborah Prinz
Press Packet On the Chocolate Trail
Lecture and Scholar-in-Residence Topics (download):
*General Audiences
*Jewish Audiences
Join Debbie on the chocolate trail for a gastronomic adventure. The next time you pick up a piece of chocolate, consider that you are partaking in an age-old passion for religion and food. Explore the surprising chocolate narratives and rituals of Pre-Columbians, Jews, Catholics, Protestants and Quakers. On the Chocolate Trail uniquely melds a popularity of chocolate with a fascination about religions. Those interested in the connectedness among peoples will crave this unique approach. Delight your mind and your taste buds as this book unscrambles the mysteries of religions and chocolate along a trail of economic development spanning cultures, countries, centuries, continents, and convictions.
Bio (download pdf)
Rabbi Deborah Prinz authored the trail blazing, best selling book On the Chocolate Trail: A Delicious Adventure Connecting Jews, Religions, History, Travel, Rituals and Recipes to the Magic of Cacao, now in its 2nd Edition. It is used in adult study, classroom settings, book clubs, and chocolate tastings.
Her newest book:
•The Boston Chocolate Party melds themes of Jews in the chocolate trade, the American fight for independence, and Hanukkah’s messages of freedom. This picture book, written with award winning co-author Tami Lehman-Wilzig, is now available (Behrman House). Order at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Target.
Her forthcoming book:
•On the Bread Trail: A Delicious Adventure of Celebration, Religions, History, and Recipes serves up explorations of heritage Jewish breads. Puffy yeast doughs, as expansive and mysterious as the survival of the Jewish people, mix with Jewish celebrations to yield surprising and diverse stories for all seasons. Feed your family and friends from the spirit and creativity of our ancestors through their migrations and adaptations when you dig into the background of these diverse doughs. With approximately 25 recipes, it will be released in October, 2023 (Behrman House).
On the Chocolate Trail forms the basis for a museum exhibit, “Semi[te] Sweet: On Jews and Chocolate” at the Bernard Museum of Temple Emanu-el, New York City, which Prinz co-curated. The show travels around the world. It features historical and contemporary art, artifacts, and memorabilia portraying narratives of Jews and chocolate.
Rabbi Prinz lectures in-person and virtually about chocolate and Jewish celebratory breads nationally and internationally. Prinz has blogged at HuffPost, The Forward, The Jewish Week, ReformJudaism.org, and onthechocolatetrail.org.
She was awarded a Starkoff Fellowship and a Director’s Fellowship from the American Jewish Archives as well as a Gilder Lehrman Fellowship from the Rockefeller Library to pursue the research for the chocolate book. It stirs age-old passions for chocolate and religion using information gathered from travel to Belgium, Canada, England, France, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland, and throughout the United States. The book spans several cultures, countries, centuries, and convictions. On the Chocolate Trail also explores how faith traditions share consumption, ritual, and business interests in chocolate.
Rabbi Prinz has held a number of leadership positions in the national and regional Reform movement, having served the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR) as Director of Program and Member Services and the Director of the Joint Commission on Rabbinic Mentoring. In addition she has also mentored rabbinical students through the Mayerson program at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR) and was a Senior Fellow at HUC-JIR’s Center for the Study of Ethics and Contemporary Moral Problems (2015-2016). She has consulted for HUC-JIR, the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ), and other organizations. Prinz was honored to conduct the worship services at regional and national biennials of the URJ. Elected by her colleagues, Rabbi Prinz held each office of the Board of the Pacific Association of Reform Rabbis including President.
The Rabbi Emerita of Temple Adat Shalom, San Diego County, California, she was its Senior Rabbi for almost twenty years. Prior to that she was, for seven years, the Rabbi of a synagogue in Bergen County, New Jersey, and also the Assistant Rabbi of Central Synagogue in Manhattan.
During her almost thirty years in congregational work, Rabbi Prinz contributed to the local Jewish community as well. She served on the Executive Committee, including as President, of the San Diego Rabbinical Association. In her position as a member of the Steering Committee of the United Jewish Federation’s Task Force on Jewish Continuity and Co-Chair of the Interfaith Committee, she was instrumental in bringing the Pathways program (outreach to interfaith children and families) to San Diego. In 1991, she was named “Woman of the Year” by Brandeis University National Women’s Committee. Together with other community leaders, she successfully worked to change the calendar of the Poway Unified School District to avoid the conflict of the first day of school falling on Rosh Hashanah. Temple Adat Shalom, under her leadership, participated in a local dialogue with the Lutheran Church of the Incarnation of Poway and with Chabad of Rancho Bernardo. Along with an Episcopal colleague in Teaneck, she developed an interfaith dialogue program which included an interfaith tour to Israel. She has led many trips to Israel.
The author of several articles, she has published in scholarly, professional, and popular journals such as The CCAR Journal, The Hebrew Union College Annual, Reform Judaism Magazine, and The CCAR Yearbook. Articles about and interviews of Rabbi Prinz have appeared in the national and local media. She has delivered many talks to community organizations.
Rabbi Prinz is married to Rabbi Mark Hurvitz. She is the delighted grandmother of Amiel, Pele, Ziv, Lior, and Yonah.
• Deborah R. Prinz’s Amazon Author Page.
In the Media
In the New York Times, Florence Fabricant notes the Semi[te] Sweet exhibit, November, 2017.
“Rabbi Follows Her Gut to Discover Historical Link Between Jews and Chocolate” in Times of Israel, by Danielle Ziri, June 13, 2018.
“All Your Questions About Jews and Chocolate Answered” in the Forward by Shira Feder, May, 2018.
Radio interview of Debbie on Heritage Radio Network “Food Without Borders” with Sari Kamin and Warren Klein, January 31, 2018.
“Bring on the Chocolate” by Judy Bart Kancigor, January, 2017.
Debbie interviewed on WLQV 1500 AM, Detroit, February 12, 2017. You can listen to a clip here:
“Schmaltz Finds a New, Younger Audience” by Melissa Clark in The New York Times, Dec. 9, 2014.
“A Traveling Chocoholic” by Rebecca Bratburd in The Wall Street Journal July 16, 2013.
“Babka Love Is Blind, In This Taste Test” in The Jewish Week, Dec. 19, 2014.
“Eight Nights of Chanukah Chocolate” in Jewish Journal, Dec. 14, 2014.
JTA-distributed articles “Hanukkah gelt gets a makeover as chocolatiers raise the bar” Haaretz, Nov. 16, 2014, “A call to raise the (chocolate) bar for Hanukkah gelt” The Times of Israel, December 11 2014, and elsewhere.
“A delectable journey” by Benji Rosen in The Jerusalem Post Magazine [subscription] January 30, 2014.
“Walk Down the Jewish Chocolate Trail” by Leah Koenig at The Jewish Daily Forward January 25, 2013
Ken Chitwood: “Chanukah gelt, St. Nick and the chocolate trail” in Houston Chronicle December 4, 2012
Marjorie Ingall: “Gelt Without Guilt” in Tablet November 27, 2012
“Gifts for Literarily Everyone: Holiday Book Guide” by Jonathan Kirsch in the Jewish Journal November 20, 2012
“The Long-Lived Jewish Relationship With Chocolate” by Vered Guttman in Haaretz Thursday, August 2, 2012
“Bittersweet History” by Amy Spiro at The Jerusalem Post Magazine January, 2012
Praise for “On the Chocolate Trail”
“A joy for history and chocolate buffs…. Traces the exciting and curious aspects of the evolution of chocolate. The reader is rewarded with fascinating nuggets of chocolate lore, as well as several yummy chocolate recipes.”
—Carole Bloom, CCP, author, Intensely Chocolate and Truffles, Candies and Confections
“Meticulously researched and whimsically presented. Fascinating facts, amusing anecdotes and mouth-watering recipes…. An instant classic for chocolate devotees of all faiths!”
—Francine Segan, food historian, chocolate expert and James Beard nominated cookbook author of Dolci: Italy’s Sweets
“Bravo! … Takes us on a roller coaster roll through the history of chocolate, from the beginning when it was only used as a drink to the present day…. A great read.”
—Joan Nathan, award-winning cookbook author, Jewish Cooking in America; Quiches, Kugels, and Couscous: My Search for Jewish Cooking in France; and, other books
“Yes, separate milk from meat. And wool from linen. But do not separate Jews from chocolate. They shall be yoked together for all time. And now we have the definitive book on the topic, an eloquent and astutely researched history.”
—A.J. Jacobs, editor-at-large, Esquire Magazine; author of The New York Times bestseller, The Year of Living Biblically: One Man’s Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible, and other books
“This engaging journey into the extraordinary past of a much-loved product is packed with fascinating stories and thrilling bits of information.”
—Claudia Roden, food writer and author of almost twenty classic works on Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cookery; most recently, the award-winning The Book of Jewish Food
“Calling all chocoholics…. I devoured this book. Readers beware! Stash fine chocolate in your pack before setting off on this delicious journey across time and space.”
—Pamela S. Nadell, Patrick Clendenen Chair in Women’s and Gender History, American University; author, Women Who Would be Rabbis: A History of Women’s Ordination, 1889–1985
“A treat! Part history, part travelogue, part cookbook, [it] … will tantalize all readers and delight chocoholic ones.”
—Jonathan D. Sarna, Joseph H. & Belle R. Braun Professor of American Jewish History, Brandeis University
“A knowledgeable, surprising and, of course, delicious book. Chocolate lovers (and that includes just about everyone) and Jewish historians alike will be delighted.”
—Leah Koenig, author, The Hadassah Everyday Cookbook
“Fascinating and entertaining… if you’re interested in Jews or chocolate, you’re gonna like this book. If you’re interested in both, you’re gonna love it :-). Like chocolate itself—wonderful as a gift, or you could just get one for you yourself.”
—Nigel Savage, founder, Hazon: Jewish Inspiration, Sustainable Communities
“A fascinating ramble through the history of chocolate and the roles—sometimes central, sometimes peripheral—that Jews have played in bringing it from the forests of Africa and Spanish America to your table. The recipes are a tasty bonus.”
—David M. Gitlitz and Linda Kay Davidson, authors, A Drizzle of Honey: The Lives and Recipes of Spain’s Secret Jews
“A delightful, fascinating read full of history, religion, ethics, anecdotes and recipes that will make you hungry.”
—Paula Shoyer, author, The Kosher Baker: 160 Dairy-Free Desserts from Traditional to Trendy
Bonus Material
Resources for Further Learning for On the Chocolate Trail:
Book club discussion materials available for download
A Socially Responsible Haggadah for a Chocolate Seder
Map of the Sephardic Diaspora And Chocolate
(all chapter and page numbers refer to On the Chocolate Trail)
- Lesson Plan I- Jews Brought Chocolate to the World (PDF)
- Lesson Plan II- Shopping for the Best Chocolate (PDF)
- Lesson Plan III- B’rachot for Chocolate and Chocolate Making (PDF)
Selected responsa and Jewish texts related to chocolate, cocoa, or cacao
A search of the Responsa Project of Bar Ilan University for these terms yielded a number of items, as follows, used by permission (organized thematically):
Detailed charts of citations and data for “Jews Dip into Chocolate in the American Colonial Period” (Chapter 3)
- “Negroes” Specialized in Chocolate Grinding
- Branding of Chocolate Prior to Baker’s
- Chocolate Making Implements
- Milling of Chocolate
- Negro Prince Updike Grinding Chocolate for Aaron Lopez
- Output of Mills
- Quality chocolate
- Silver
- The Title “Chocolate Maker”
- Women in the Colonial Chocolate Business
- Assorted Shipping of Cacao- 1700-1765
- Aaron Lopez Correspondence
- Aaron Lopez Outfits Ships
- Aaron Lopez Retails Chocolate
- Daniel Gomez Account Books
- Daniel Gomez Shipping Notes
- Nathan Simson, New York; Letters Regarding Shipping
- Nathan Simson Account Books
- Nathan Simson Shipping Forms
- Estate Inventories – Non-Jewish
- Estate Inventories – Jewish