On the Chocolate Trail

Chocolate Coated Mallomars Turns 100

Do you want to eat a 100 year old chocolate covered, cookie framed marshmallow? The iconic Mallomars turned 100 today. That calls to mind its sibling concoctions from other countries and times, such as the Krembo in Israel. Other similar classic chocolate-covered marshmallows recall the colonial empire roots of some European chocolate traditions.

Chocolate makers in colonial empires such as Holland, Belgium, and Germany reflected in their products both the exoticism of their African colonies and a repulsion of the indigenous populations. This may still be seen in the names of some European dainties. Chocolate-covered mounds of marshmallow are known as mohrenköpfe (Moor’s head) in German-speaking Switzerland; in France, negerküsse (Negro kisses); and in Denmark, negerbolle (Negro bun) or negerkys (Negro kiss). Powers such as Belgium, Holland, and Germany noted the blackness of chocolate to emphasize the conquest of natives in their colonial empires.

Fortunately, Mallomars do not have these distasteful associations with Empire.  You just have to find them, given the recent hoarding by fans.



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