On the Chocolate Trail

Prayers for Chocolate Work

Yes, they do, according to a story told by our colleague and friend, Rabbi Mo Salth, first recounted by radio commentator, Paul Harvey. A mother decided that her family should eat more healthfully and alerted her children that she would no longer be purchasing sugary snacks. She took her 3-year-old son to the grocery store and reminded him that they would not be buying his favorite chocolate chip cookies. She cautioned him not to even ask about them.

Chocolatey Chocolate Chip Cookies

She put him up in the cart and proceeded through the aisles. The boy was fine until they came to the cracker aisle, which also contained the cookie selections. Of course he saw the chocolate chip cookies and asked for them. She responded, “I told you to ask. We are not buying any desserts or snacks.” They continued their shopping and found themselves near the cookie aisle for one last item. He begged for the cookies again. The mom answered, “Sweetie, I told you that that we are not buying cookies or any other desserts. Please remember that.”

Finally, they made it to the checkout stand. The little boy knew enough about how the market works that this would be his last chance at the cookies. So just as they got to the cashier, he stood up on the seat of the cart and shouted in his loudest voice:

“Dear God, hear my prayer now. May I have some chocolate chip cookies?”

Some of the folks in the lines laughed. Some even applauded. That day the little boy and his mother went home with 23 boxes of chocolate chip cookies.

Mo extracted an important message about prayer from this story. I would add that the passion for chocolate starts early, that resonates through all generations and that it has divine connections.

This is cross posted at The Jewish Journal.

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On the Chocolate Trail