On the Chocolate Trail

Author, Rabbi, Author, Rabbi

The book launch party last week for On the Chocolate Trail brought together longtime friends, chocolate lovers, food writers, and rabbinic colleagues. Spirits and calendars were understandably subdued by Superstorm Sandy and by the Israel/Gaza conflict. Those able to attend included–Lenny and Linda who had supplied us with chocolate treats from their exotic travels, endorsement and Forward writer Leah, the chocolate C spot blogger Mark, chocolate expert David, manuscript reader Avigail, semitic swinologist and Gefilteria creator Jeffrey, NYC Jewish chocolate walking tour participant Alice, CCAR co-workers (Dale, Debbie, Ortal, Tanya, Steve), Shabbat dinner hosts extraordinaire Mirele and Richard, cheerleaders Bonnie and Danny. Bob and Gloria’s Chanukah gift list had me signing lots of books.  We savored a bit of respite and celebration by imbibing one of the best hot chocolates anywhere, in the jewel box setting at MarieBelle. Ahh, chocolate, the oldest of comfort foods.

Celebrating On the Chocolate Trail

How does it feel to see On the Chocolate Trail in print, people probe. Around the same time that I birthed my book, Noam & Rachel gave birth to a baby–amazing life cycle experiences and stages for all of us. First grandchild, first book. Each embeds some of my mortality and immortality. (Ami outweighs all, slightly built guy that he is.)

Writing was fun, full of adventure and repeated discoveries; it was also intensely private, isolating and definitely developed my introverted side. I had no idea how much time, intensity, and trepidation would come with the book process, especially while working a more than full time job.

Book signings, presentations and reviews (5 stars at Amazon and a great write up at the LA Jewish Journal) have shifted that inward focus to a kind of affirmation, even adoration, the kind that rabbis receive, that I knew from pulpit work. It is familiar. It is fleeting. It is validating. Strangers say:  “What a great idea! Wow! Yum, chocolate. Perfect gift.  Who knew?”

Mostly I am full of gratitude for the journey that led us to this time and for the chocolate trails yet ahead.

One thought on “Author, Rabbi, Author, Rabbi”

  1. Rachel says:

    Lovely! Thanks for sharing your reflections with us. Naches!

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